summer slump of productivity

How to Avoid the “Summer Slump” of Productivity

As the weather warms up, it should come as no surprise that employee engagement and productivity can start to drop off. Typically, most companies see a dip in productivity starting around mid-summer and lasting until September. Here are three ways to avoid the summer slump of productivity.


How to avoid the “summer slump” of productivity


  1. Try flexible scheduling. First, consider flexible scheduling. During the warm summer months, it’s no surprise that people want to be anywhere but inside the office. Rather than forcing your employees to work the same schedule they had all winter, consider shorter Fridays or utilizing flex time. This can help your employees have a better work-life balance. Also, if you can establish a flexible scheduling policy prior to the summer months, you can easily manage workflow and arrange schedules around those needs.
  2. Relax the dress code. Another way to combat the summer slump in productivity is to relax the dress code during the summer. Relaxing the dress code in the summer months can actually improve employee morale and team building. It gives them something to look forward to and makes work feel a little bit less like work.
  3. Focus on development. Finally, you can focus on employee development. Most businesses see a slump in sales in the summer months as well, and a great way to make the best of the slump is to take a look at your employees’ development and performance. The lighter workload can also allow for additional training and learning opportunities.


The summer slump is unavoidable. After all, after a long winter of being cooped up inside, it’s natural to want to be outdoors while the weather is nice. Rather than fight the slump, you can make the most of it by offering flexible schedules, relaxing the dress code, and focusing on employee development. If you are struggling to maintain a successful workplace, FocusPlanIt can help you develop a functional, sustainable business using all of your existing systems.

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