New Offering: ConnectWise Whiteboard Workshops

FocusPlanit is excited to offer you a unique opportunity for growth and development through our one-day, onsite ConnectWise business strategy workshop. The workshop is designed to facilitate meaningful dialogue and collaboration with your team around the functionality of ConnectWise, in the comfort of your own office. During this immersive workshop, we’ll dive deep into the various features and functionalities of ConnectWise, providing you with the knowledge and tools necessary to maximize its potential. From optimizing workflows to aligning responsibilities, our experts will be there every step of the way to ensure you achieve your goals.


What is a Whiteboard Workshop

Our approach revolves around this comprehensive workshop meticulously crafted and personally led by our esteemed CEO, Bill Black. Drawing upon his vast wealth of industry knowledge, extensive experience, and profound expertise in ConnectWise, Bill Black is committed to providing an overarching workshop , empowering you to reach and surpass your goals with utmost confidence and effectiveness.


What’s Included:

With this lucrative workshop into the uses of ConnectWise, here is what you’ll be getting with your attendance in this workshop. During the one-day workshop, participants will be able to have in-depth discussions on how ConnectWise is specifically designed to optimize your workflow across sales, service delivery, and finance. As well, you will have the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session where they can gain valuable insights into industry standard processes, concepts, and ideas. Additionally, FocusPlanit ensures a seamless experience by providing all-inclusive pricing, making it convenient for businesses to access this valuable knowledge and expertise. If you wish for additional days or more in-depth training, we’re happy to discuss a custom solution.


See a True ROI

Our ConnectWise Whiteboard Workshop presents an invaluable opportunity to empower you with the essential knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex landscape of business strategy and achieve your goals. By participating in our workshop, you will not only gain a comprehensive understanding of how to develop the most effective strategy tailored to your specific needs, but also learn how to establish the necessary structure and how to utilize ConnectWise to streamline your operations. Moreover, our expert guidance will extend beyond strategy implementation, as we provide unwavering support in optimizing your sales processes, enhancing operational systems, and maximizing the potential of your finance tools. With FocusPlanit by your side, you can embrace a future of sustainable growth and success, armed with the necessary expertise and resources to thrive in today’s competitive market.


FocusPlanit is one of the industry’s premier ConnectWise® Consultants serving the entire United States. Contact us today and let us be your partner in success. You can learn more about our offerings and team on our website.