The ConnectWise® Platform: The Powerhouse Your Business Needs

What Does the ConnectWise® Platform Offer?

In short, ConnectWise® provides businesses with a single operational platform. The platform offers solutions for business management, unified management, cybersecurity management, and expert services.

Let’s look at each offering a bit closer:

The business management tool, ConnectWise Manage® brings order to your operations, ensuring that your teams are communicating and information is effectively being shared. It covers everything from help desk workflow to procurement and even time tracking and project management. Not the mention the insightful reporting tools.

ConnectWise Unified Management® software brings solutions together to create a service delivery offering fit for a Technical Service Provider of any size. Monitor, manage, and backup networks and environments of all shapes and sizes.

ConnectWise Fortify® allows you to stay ahead of security threats with advanced tools to monitor networks, identify risks, and have strategies in place to maintain 24/7 security for you and your clients.

ConnectWise® expert services can provide businesses with a fully staffed help desk for day-to-day tasks or highly skilled technicians to handle advance networking issues. Already have your own technicians but have an ad-hoc project? They can cover that as well.

The Implementation Help You Need

So you made the smart decision to incoporate ConnectWise® into your business operations, but now what? You will need a team of professional, seasoned experts to help you create and maintain a successful platform. But don’t just settle for the employee who says they can “figure it out”, make sure you are set up for success with a highly trained ConnectWise® Consultant like FocusPlanit. FocusPlanit is the industry’s premier team of highly qualified ConnectWise experts who have dedicated years of their professional life implementing and optimizing this solution. Our hands-on experience working with hundreds of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) as well as our vast knowledge of the industry, allows our team to provide the unique ability to advise and teach your organization far beyond just the basics.

Use your business systems to its fullest potential. We can partner with you to optimize your system and change it from an expense into your most valuable asset. Working with our dedicated team of consultants, we’ll look at your implementations to identify and streamline the gaps within your current processes.

FocusPlanit is one of the industry’s premier ConnectWise® Consultants serving the entire United States. Contact us today and let us be your partner in success. You can learn more about our offerings and team at